Professional Negligence Solicitors in London

If you engage a professional such as an architect, accountant or lawyer, you are entitled to receive a reasonable and professional standard of service. If the service provided by a professional has fallen below this standard and you have suffered a loss as a result, you may be able to make a claim against them to pursue your losses.

Our professional negligence solicitors in London represent clients in bringing cases against businesses and individuals who have provided poor service. We deal with claims of all sizes against a range of professional types. We are often able to resolve matters out of court, securing substantial compensation, including in complex and highly contested cases.

Our services include:

  • Advising you on the strength of your case and whether you have a valid professional negligence claim
  • Taking steps to secure professional negligence compensation in an out of court settlement
  • Advice and representation during alternative dispute resolution, including mediation
  • Professional negligence claims pursued through the court process

We deal with all types of professional negligence claim, including:

  • Accountant negligence claims
  • Architect negligence claims
  • Surveyor negligence claims
  • Financial adviser negligence claims
  • Solicitor negligence claims
  • Insurer negligence claims

To speak to one of our solicitors for professional negligence in London, fill in our contact form or call us on 0203 096 6436.

We also have offices in Cheltenham and Cirencester.

Our services for professional negligence claims in London

Advice on the strength of your case

To establish a professional negligence claim, we will need to show that the advice or service you received fell below the usual standards for a professional in the relevant field or that another expert would have given different advice or taken different actions.

We will go through what has happened with you and give you an honest assessment of your case. Where necessary, we will ask an expert in the relevant field to provide an opinion.

If the professional was negligent, we will also need to show that you suffered a loss as a result. This could be a direct financial loss, for example, if your money was incorrectly invested, or it could be a loss in the value of an asset, such as a reduction in the value of your home if an architect was negligent and your property was harmed.

We will need to assess the value of your losses to enable us to enter into negotiations. Professionals should carry professional negligence insurance and we will usually deal with the legal team for the insurer. Our professional negligence solicitors are used to bringing cases against insurance companies and we have a proven track record of securing excellent results.

Resolving professional negligence claims out of court

There is a pre-action protocol in place for professional negligence claims that aims to help parties find an acceptable solution out of court. It is important to follow the steps, or you could be penalised if your case were ultimately to be heard by a judge.

The main steps in the professional negligence pre-action protocol are:

Serving notice on the other side

The first stage is usually to send a preliminary notice to the professional in question setting out brief details of your claim. This needs to include information about why you are making a claim and how much compensation you believe you should receive.

Sending a letter of claim

The letter of claim is a more detailed document and can ultimately be used in court if your claim cannot be settled.

It should include a wide range of information, including:

  • Full details of everyone involved
  • A detailed timeline of what has happened
  • Copies of the evidence you have
  • Requests for information you want from the professional
  • Details of the negligence
  • A breakdown of your losses showing how these have been valued

We will draft this on your behalf, ensuring that it is comprehensive and will clearly set out your case for the court.

The defendant has 21 days in which to send a letter of acknowledgment.

Exchanging information

The defendant then has 90 days in which to look at the details of the claim and put together their own evidence to support their position.

They should send a letter of response setting out their replies to all of the claims or allegations made against them.

If they do not admit professional negligence, they should provide details of any evidence they have that supports this position.

Alternatively, they may offer a sum in settlement of your claim.


If the other side is prepared to settle your claim, we can enter into negotiations on your behalf to try and agree on an adequate sum. Our team are robust negotiators and we will put your case strongly to try and obtain the best possible settlement.

Alternative dispute resolution

If it is not possible to agree on a settlement, then you will usually be advised to consider alternative dispute resolution. This is generally faster and more cost-effective than court and the courts prefer that parties try this approach wherever possible.

Options include mediation, arbitration and early neutral evaluation. We can advise you of the best choice in your circumstances and provide you with advice and representation throughout.

Taking professional negligence claims to court

If it is not possible to resolve matters out of court, we can commence litigation. We will put together a strong case on your behalf and ensure that you are represented by an expert professional negligence advocate.

Professional negligence claims

We bring all types of professional negligence claims. Common claims include:

Accountant negligence claims

Negligent advice by accountants can include missing deadlines and incurring penalties, providing incorrect tax advice, making accounting errors that result in a loss, such as errors in respect of employee payments or pensions and failing to value a company correctly.

This can be a complex area of law and our accountant negligence solicitors have the experience needed to put together a robust claim on your behalf.

Financial adviser negligence claims

Negligence by financial advisers can include failing to properly advise on financial risk, recommending unsuitable investments and not providing information about the rules and regulations applicable to a financial product.

We routinely provide advice and representation for financial adviser negligence in London and elsewhere for clients who have suffered financial losses.

Solicitor negligence claims

Solicitor negligence includes failing to meet limitation deadlines, making errors in drafting documents such as Wills, negligence in estate administration or providing negligent advice that results in a loss.

Surveyor negligence claims

Surveyor negligence includes incorrectly valuing a property, failing to identify defects at a property and providing negligent advice.

Contact our professional negligence solicitors in London

For advice and representation in professional negligence claims in London and beyond, our team of experts will be happy to help you. We have many years of experience and are known for the good results we secure for victims of professional negligence.

To speak to one of our solicitors for professional negligence in London, fill in our contact form or call us on 0203 096 6436.

We also have offices in Cheltenham and Cirencester.